Taking an early interest in your Superannuation, or ‘super’ is the fastest way to start to appreciate it. Your super can be one of the most valuable investments outside of the family home and is a way to save money for your future.
It is important to understand how much super you’ll need and how to best manage it for your retirement. There is a seemingly never ending list of investment options that you can hold through super, from the more understood shares, property and cash, to the lesser known bonds, capital notes, etf’s and the list goes on.
Super is very attractive because it receives favourable tax treatment, both when you are working and once you have retired. The government offers these tax savings to encourage you to build your super assets.
Employers must also pay super contributions on behalf of their employees and you can also choose to add money into super out of your own pocket. If you are self-employed, you can choose whether to contribute to super.